Back into the THICK of it, but only for a short assed week. Lucky buggers but… isn’t it the last one of the year??? I never know!

A cheeky strength day for your butts! Seeing as soon enough it’s going to be September and those bad boys will need to be ready to crack chestnuts in front of the open fire this Christmas.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Front rack walking lunge
12 - 12 - 12 - 12 - 12
Increase load as technique allows

Within 5 minutes:
Max bar muscle ups

For 8 rounds, every 45s
1 - 3 Strict toes to bar

3 Sets
8 Incline bent over row + 3s negative each rep
10/10 Dumbbell rollbacks
20 - 25 GHD sit ups