Dafydd Dennis
Certified CrossFit Trainer (CrossFit Level 3 Trainer)
CrossFit Seminar Staff (Flowmaster)
CrossFit Kids Trainer
CrossFit makes my heart sing. It is my passion. I travel Europe and the world, every weekend to spread the message. I work for CrossFit Headquarters teaching their L1 and L2 trainer courses as a lead instructor (Flowmaster). It is the greatest job in the world.
At the age of 23 I left the Royal Marines, having served for seven years. I thought I was bulletproof and super fit…I was wrong! While working as a trainer in a gym one day, a colleague told me about this thing called CrossFit. He had just found it online and thought it was right up my street. Roughly seventeen minutes later I found myself collapsed outside on a grass verge trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. That was it, I went home to find out more and later that day booked a flight to San Diego in order to learn from the horse’s mouth. During that period I was initially exposed to the community. Not since leaving the military sector a few years prior had I seen such camaraderie; yet these were strangers! I was in a room full of people who were utterly selfless, cheerful regardless of the environment and all humble to a fault. I was sold!
CrossFit is extremely powerful; it is life changing. There is no other way to put it. This facility and more importantly the people in it will make you better; the cool thing is…you get to decide at what. Write down five things that will make you a better person, I don’t need to know what they are. Put them in an envelope and hide it. After six months go and tear it open, I still don’t want to see it. You are going to find me and tell me whether you coming here, your exposure to this place made you better… I already know the answer.
It is very difficult these days to perform a truly selfless good deed, a random act of kindness. I see it everyday in CrossFit.
Ash Phillips
Certified CrossFit Trainer (CrossFit Level 3 Trainer)
CrossFit Seminar Staff (Head Trainer)
CrossFit Kids Trainer
Level 4 Sports Massage Therapist
I initially discovered CrossFit from watching YouTube videos (instead of studying) in 2012. I was an addict! As quickly as possible I signed up for CrossFit’s Foundation Course at the nearest gym. I would like to think that I was well on my way to becoming the next Rich Froning (look him up!) only Ginger, and not quite as fit.
In May of 2014 I attended CrossFit’s Level 1 Seminar. As it turned out, the bearded man who you just scrolled past, was one of the instructors on my course. Little did I know at the time, but that man changed my life, and for the better.
I first came to Cardiff in September 2014 to study a Bachelor of Science in Sport Conditioning, Rehabilitation and Massage at Cardiff Metropolitan University. The first thing I did when I got to Cardiff (well … maybe second, after at least one ridiculous fresher’s night out) was get my ass down to Reebok CrossFit Cardiff. It was THE BEST DECISION I EVER MADE!
Stepping through those doors I found my purpose in life; to be a CrossFit coach. But more importantly, I found my FAMILY! Everyone is welcoming, everyone is smiling, all whilst striving for a common purpose … to get fit and have a great time in the process. There is a reason that this gym is the best hour of your day - the PEOPLE inside it! At my ripe, young age (sorry Mel) I have learnt a lot about myself and life outside the box, through my exposure to this gym and its people.
CrossFit will make you a better person …
Walk through our doors and you will see WHY!
Mel Jenkins
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Kids Trainer
Cooks a cracking Beef Stew
I found CrossFit three years ago through word of mouth, just as I was hitting my 40s!!!! I was struggling with improving at triathlons so thought I would look for a strength-based program.
I found sooooo much more. I made friends from the first time I entered the Box who I’m still very close to and continue to meet new people all the time. I have entered several competitions which are so friendly and supportive, especially the Masters ones run for us oldies.
I work for a software company called Sapiens in Cardiff Bay and often travel for work, which has given me the opportunity to visit overseas CrossFit boxes which is a brilliant experience.
One of the best things about CrossFit and being part of the coaching team is helping people achieve things they never thought they could do.
Alex Conroy
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Kids Trainer
Organisational Wizard
I have been doing CrossFit for a little over two years. I had spent the majority of my life playing rugby through school and university but was plagued with injuries. I was always interested in the strength training side of things and followed a lot of powerlifting programs independently. Things started to plateau and training got boring.
Then I found CrossFit. I absolutely love the variance in programming and the fact that I can train my weaknesses (gymnastics) week in, week out, so they become strengths. Improving the chinks in my armour has increased my overall fitness in ways I couldn’t have begun to imagine. Whether you want to perform better for your sports team, or in daily life, the same will happen to you.
The fitness aspect aside, the most incredible things about starting CrossFit has been the social element. I have made friends for life and look forward to each evening training with, and coaching the people I consider some of my closest friends.
3,2,1 FITNESS!
Hannah Richards
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Kids Trainer
Knows her way around Adobe
As a netballer with 17 years of training under my belt, I was convinced that I’d be pretty fit walking through the doors of Reebok CrossFit Cardiff. I was very wrong. As demoralising as this was, from the first session I was addicted to the feeling of getting your ass handed to you during a workout, and the sense of achievement afterwards.
A few years later, I’m still getting my ass handed to me, but in a different way. Although I am better than I was 4 years ago, CrossFit has the ability to make you work equally as hard whether you’re starting out or if you’ve been training for years. CrossFit has made me stronger and healthier… and I have found a second family in the process.
I have never understood how people find it hard to motivate themselves to get to the gym. For me, the best part of the day is walking through the doors of Reebok CrossFit Cardiff; high-fiving others from all walks of life and seeing a bunch of inspiring people throw down together.
As Ben Bergeron says, “you don’t HAVE to do a workout, you GET to do a workout.” I remind myself of this every day. We GET to work out with friends and family. We GET to spend time training, and having loads of ‘Functional Fun’ in the process. And we GET to be healthier, fitter and stronger versions of ourselves!
Shaun Suller
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Kids Trainer
Loves the SA Cup
I discovered CrossFit 4 years ago, I had hit a rut with my regular gym training and wanted something new and challenging. I searched online and stumbled across the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games. I watched the whole thing, I was intrigued, and knew I had found something that I needed to try.
So I searched for a local box, and found Reebok CrossFit Cardiff. I went along to inquire. I will admit that seeing someone do muscle ups on a rig for the first time was intimidating… but also super cool.
I was sold. I signed up and did my on ramp. Then… My first week of classes left me broken on the floor, but I was hooked. Now... I’ve now done a variety of competitions and have loved the whole experience. I am fitter in my 30’s than any other time in my life.
CrossFit Cardiff has an amazing community, the atmosphere here is unparalleled, it always pushes you to train harder, to help you get that one more rep.
I passed my CrossFit Level 1 Trainer course in December 2016, and started coaching straight away. My favourite aspect of coaching; helping others discover their own CrossFit journey, and hoping they enjoy it as much as I did mine.