Do it, why not, you’re driving past Sainsbury’s anyway. Nip in, (Nicole won’t even care that you are 5 minutes late for class) grab £20 of your hard earned readies and buy a CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party ticket. We’ll figure out the rest at another time.
You will need to come anyway, all of you. Nick Webb will need assistance in climbing into his own right shoe following 17 attempts to split the E (the Northern Irish way) of his Guinness.
CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
For time:
60 Calorie row
30 Shoulder to overhead (70/50kg)
60 Sandbag burpee over the box (48/40”)
30 Shoulder to overhead (70/50kg)
60 Calorie row
Split reps as needed
A: Within 5 minutes, build to a heavy 3 touch and go power clean and jerk
B: For 3 rounds, every 5 minutes
Max unbroken power clean and jerks (60/42.5kg)
C: 3 Sets
2 Overhead squats
Build over each set