This workout might leave you in disarray still on Christmas day. Be very, VERY careful.

You have been warned.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Time:
2 - 4 - 6… - 20 - 18 - 16 - …2
KettleBell Swings (32/24kg)
GHD Sit ups

Toes to bar
5:00 max rep retest

Max unbroken strict pull ups
Rest 1:30

5 Sets
Strict pull ups (@30-40%)
Rest 45s

3 Sets
1 - 3 strict handstand press ups/ 1-3 negative handstand press ups
Rest 60s 
3 - 10 Box assisted handstand press ups
Rest 2:00

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Minute 1: 30s max straight arm GHD sit ups
Minute 2: 30s max Hip extension